How this came to be

Since being a Stay-at-home-Mum, I have had the opportunity to explore my love of cooking with experimenting various dishes either from family recipes, adapting recipes of others, or simply from my imagination.

Most of the food I cook are Asian (Malaysian) dishes, some with Western influences. As a mother of 3 young children, I constantly have to consider cuisines with healthy ingredients, non spicy and then whatever the husband would like :p

I currently live in Sydney, Australia. I have been posting pictures of my cooking, to keep my friends and family back home updated on what I do. Some friends asked for the recipes. Of which I share, but in a haphazard manner. Thus the thought of putting it all in one place, so that I can let my friends cook the dishes I have tried. Also (and this is the truth), my older son (he's 8 years old) has asked that I write down all of my recipes in a cook book so that I can pass it on to him when he's older.

Since I was a child, my father loves using this blue patterned chinaware at home. It is a common chinaware, easily available and something every kitchen in a Malaysian Chinese family will be familiar with. I inherited all my chinaware from my parents and my in-laws, and brought them over here to Sydney when I moved. I use them in my kitchen now also because I want to be reminded of where I came from. 

When looking around for a name for the blog, there were some suggestions around the word Blue, Bowls, etc. However, a friend of mine here in Sydney, suggested China Blue, which sounded absolutely perfect! Thanks, Hui Sein :)

So here we are. Hopefully I will be able to compile enough recipes to hand down to my kids <3

p/s: Unfortunately (or not) I am not one who shies away from processed food, or pre-packed sauces, or pre-made food. I try to reduce the stress in my life (because who needs more stress?) and therefore, short cuts sometimes are the way to go :p

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