Wednesday 20 April 2016

Tofu with Pumpkin Sauce (Vegetarian)

Serves 3 - 4 persons

250g traditional press silken tofu (cubed)
150g butternut pumpkin (small cubed)
4 small white cap/ button mushrooms (quartered)
50g french beans (diced)/ snow peas
1/2 cup chicken style stock (vegetarian)
1/2 tablespoon cornflour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
8 tablespoon cooking oil 
1. Steam 100g pumpkin for 15 minutes or until soft and mash it. Set aside.

2. Heat 1 tablespoon cooking oil in wok, and stir fry mushrooms for 3-4 minutes. Add remainder 50g small cubed pumpkin and french beans, stir fry for another 2-3 minutes. Remove and set aside.

3. Heat remainder oil in wok and deep fry tofu for 2-3 minutes. Drain and set aside. Leave a tablespoon of oil in the wok.

4. In medium low heat, add the mashed pumpkin into wok and stir fry the puree for 1 minute. 

5. Combine chicken style stock with cornflour, salt, sugar and pepper. Mix well and add into wok. Stir constantly and bring to boil.

6. Once sauce thickens, add cubed pumpkin, mushrooms and french beans and tofu. Mix well, plate and serve.

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