Monday 15 February 2016

Buttered Pan Fry Fish Fillet with Salsa

Serves 3 - 4 people

For Salsa:
1 cup cubed pineapple (or mixed fruits)
1 cubed tomato
1/4 cup finely chopped green pepper (optional)
1/4 cup minced fresh cilantro
2 teaspoons lime juice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon of white pepper

For Fish:
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 basa fillets
50g butter
1/8 cup basil flakes
1/8 cup oregano flakes
1/8 cup thyme

1. For salsa, in a bowl, combine all ingredients. Cover bowl with shrink wrap and refrigerate until serving. 

2.  Heat a non stick pan, melt butter on medium heat. Pan fry fish fillets 2-3 minutes on each side, sprinkling the herbs evenly. Baste the fish with butter in the pan.

3. Serve with salsa.


  1. I will pass this recipe to my wife and demand that she cook this over the weekend!... now... will u excuse me while i do the laundry, mop the whole house and wash all the dishes and clean the kitchen. TQ... (KSLeong)

  2. I will pass this recipe to my wife and demand that she cook this over the weekend!... now... will u excuse me while i do the laundry, mop the whole house and wash all the dishes and clean the kitchen. TQ... (KSLeong)
